Meet Jordan, IHP2, BCHHP

Integrative Health Practitioner + Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I’ve been in your shoes

I was “healthy” until I wasn’t.

Growing up, I was an active kid, ate a minimally processed diet and rarely experienced illnesses that required medical intervention. In my late teen years into my early 20s despite eating healthy and exercising, I struggled with symptoms such as constipation, digestive issues, insomnia, hormonal imbalances and adult acne just to name a few. I rarely visited the doctor and each time I would seek explanations to feeling less than optimal, my labs came back “normal”. I was sent on my way and advised to return the following year for routine labs.

I knew something was off but after being told countless times I was healthy, I needed to “eat more” or my symptoms being justified as a part of motherhood, I began thinking my symptoms were just a normal part of life. This was how I was meant to feel..

Living with on going symptoms took a toll on my quality of life. I felt my body was betraying me and it caused stress as I would plan my life around the presence of my symptoms.

I didn’t know what to do, how to support my body, how to feel better and ended up spending 10 years feeling this way.

Although I felt sub-par, it wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I started advocating for myself. I no longer took “your tests are normal, come back in 6 months” as an answer.

Finally, I got an answer and it came as a SHOCK… After a lot of advocating and demands that I have imaging, it was discovered that I had a very rare malignant neuroendocrine tumor on my pancreas.

After undergoing a physically traumatic, massive surgery and very long recovery, I discovered functional medicine. The functional approach was one that I had never given a chance and little did I know functional medicine would change my life forever.

I worked with practitioners that looked at the full picture, even gathering information from my childhood. They took into consideration my stress, sleep patterns, nutrition, exercise habits, emotional health, and so much more. They listened to my symptoms and suggested natural healing practices over a quick fixes. They approached my health from a wide lens perspective. It was never about addressing one concern without also taking into consideration the imbalances in all areas of the body. Everything is connected, who knew?

Throughout my healing journey, I spent countless hours reading and researching. It was my light bulb moment and the more I learned, the more I realized my cancer diagnosis was one that I wholeheartedly believe could have been prevented had I been more aware that the symptoms I had for 10+ years WERE NOT normal. It was simply that my body could not longer “keep up” with the imbalances and toxicities that it was presented with on a daily basis.

My personal experiences and knowledge led me to open Balanced Wellness Co. In my practice, I strive to share everything I have learned in hopes of bringing awareness and education to others about topics that are simply not talked about. I want to make YOU have the science and information to make the best health decisions for yourself- because the truth is: YOU know your body better than anyone. I decided to go back to school and became a Certified Health Coach, Level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner and became Board Certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner.

The good news is your journey can be and will be better than mine. My personal experiences, rigorous education and deep passion is the basis of Balanced Wellness Co. My goal is to bring awareness and education to my clients. You don’t have to suffer for years upon years. You will be heard, your symptoms will be taken seriously and we will get to the root of your concerns through functional lab testing and natural healing practices. Balanced Wellness Co. takes all the guesswork out so you know exactly how to balance your body and feel equipped to maintain your healthy lifestyle forever.

If there is one thing I have learned and it’s proved to be true: our bodies are incredibly smart and know exactly how to heal given the tools it needs to do so.

“Nothing looks as good as healthy feels”
— Anonymous

How Balanced Wellness Co. can help

Balanced Wellness Co. offers 1:1 Health Coaching and Comprehensive Wellness Packages

Health Coaching Areas of Focus:






Emotional Balance



What is Functional Testing?

Functional Lab testing includes blood, stool, urine, saliva or hair samples to provide information about a variety of systems including metabolic, nutritional, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hormonal, immune, genetic, detoxification, and others.

While Balanced Wellness Co. respects Conventional medicine/ testing and believes it can provide great insight on disease, Functional lab ranges look for patterns and markers that spot trends toward disease in the body. BWC’s goal is to use testing results as data to help support imbalances in the body for optimal function and feeling.